7th Annual Wine2Water – September 9, 2023
Wine2Water 2023
WaterAfrica’s “Wine2Water” event on Saturday, September 9, 2023 was a wonderful evening celebrating the work being done in Zambia.
It was a special evening of hearing stories from people in the WaterAfrica community that recently were in Zambia witnessing both the continued need for support and the success of water projects in the rural communities we support.
We are grateful for our wonderful sponsors that make this event possible.
- Monte Ferro Winery
- Nicoletta’s Table
- Helen Bernhard Bakery
- Mercedes-Benz of Wilsonville
Special Thank You to Our Volunteers
Thank you to all of the wonderful young people that volunteered to help keep everything running smoothly.

Snapshots from Wine2Water

We look forward to you joining our mailing list and being part of the WaterAfrica community working to raise awareness, raise funds, and transform lives.
Any Questions
Have any questions about WaterAfrica or Walk4Water14, please send a note to info@waterafrica.org