You can help us bring our first Walk4Water to Colorado Springs! Walk4Water Sponsors help us cover event expenses so that walk registrations will go directly to bring clean water to people living in rural Zambia. Sponsorship money that exceeds event expense is applied to our event fundraising total.
Corporate Sponsor
If you would like to be Corporate Sponsor, please download, complete, and return the Corporate Sponsor Commitment Form. With your permission, we will use your logo and recognize you in our Walk4Water promotions. (Your sponsorship includes t-shirts and registrations indicated on the form.)
School Sponsor
School Sponsorship enables free Walk4Water participation for students from the school of your choice. School Sponsorship assumes a minimum donation of $1000.
If you would like to be a School Sponsor, please download, complete and return the School Sponsor Commitment Form. With your permission, we will use your logo or family name and recognize you in our Walk4Water promotions.
Thank you!