The WaterAfrica Travel team safely arrived in Lusaka, Zambia this week. Today we began our trip agenda with a meeting at World Vision Zambia’s national headquarters.

(left to right: Ann Chilcote, Diane Savage, Bill Savage,
Alan Shiffer,  Mike Veitenhans)

Mike Veitenhans, Zambia World Vision National Director, and Fordson Kafweku, Director of Operations, along with National ZWASH Staff (Zambia Water, Sanitation & Hygiene)  gave us an overview and update on WASH projects in Zambia. 
Highlights of the conversation: 
**World Vision Zambia is exploring and implementing intentional strategies to engage urban Zambians about rural Zambian WASH needs and ways they can participate in solutions.

WaterAfrica Day Proclamation on left
**ZWASH is partnering with the government to focus on mutual goals in order to achieve more effective benefits.
**World Vision Zambia leadership identifies WaterAfrica as a significant partner in the ZWASH work. It was fun to see a framed copy of a Lake Oswego WaterAfrica Day Proclamation hanging outside the national director’s office door!
After our meeting we took a tour of the Child Sponsorship office. All the mail communication for World Vision’s Child Sponsorship program in Zambia is managed in that office. It is a remarkable operation and it was a privilege to see and hear the from the staff who oversee the project. Members of the WaterAfrica team will meet their sponsored children later this week and we look forward to telling you those stories.
Tomorrow morning we leave Lusaka and will soon be bringing you reports from the field!

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