Today is International Women’s Day. The United Nations theme this year: Empower Rural Women – End Hunger and Poverty.

Obviously this resonates with WaterAfrica’s mission and work. Today we celebrate the many women and girls we have met in rural Zambian villages. Their hopes and dreams get filtered through the realities of living without sanitation and hygiene resources and lacking accessible, safe water.

Music-Spirit of Africa:Insingizi “Mama”

Their stories inspire us to stay diligent and focused in our efforts to bring life-changing resources to their communities, thus giving their hopes and dreams opportunities to thrive.

As you reflect on International Women’s Day and consider ways you might respond, we invite you to:

  • Register for Walk4Water5 
  • Give a life-changing financial gift

WaterAfrica gives 100% of your money to World Vision’s Water, Sanitation and Hygiene projects in Zambia (ZWASH). Your gift saves lives. Your gift empowers women.  Thank you!

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