Finish the Job Progress by the Numbers
World Vision recently shared with us a Semiannual progress report highlighting the amazing work that is getting accomplished on the ground in Zambia. If you would like to read the complete report and review the financials click here. The following are some highlights and takeaways.
Finish the Job Initiative
The World Vision Zambia team is working hard to bring clean water to everyone and everywhere that World Vision works in Zambia by 2025. The goal is to reach 800,000 people that did not have access in 2020. As of earlier in 2022, 34% of this five-year goal had already been achieved and if you follow our Instagram account you have seen us share many more projects being accomplished since this report was compiled.
Since October 2020:
- 269,387 Zambian children and adults access clean water
- 424,772 Zambians access dignified sanitation.
- 376,073 people access handwashing facilities to support healthy hygiene practices.
WASH Program Success
The World Vision Zambia WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene) efforts were able to overachieve 2022 goals in several ways. Due to COVID-19, a serious effort was placed on equipping vulnerable communities, schools, and healthcare facilities with infrastructure like piped water and handwashing stations. In the first half of 2022 two new healthcare facilities received newly constructed maternity wards and three additional facilities will be receiving similar facilities with clean water.
The VisionFund is a microfinance network serving low income clients in vulnerable and rural communities. World Vision Zambia is partnering with them to assist families get loans to construct improved household latrines and household water supply systems.
Improving School Facilities
In partnership with the government of Zambia’s ministry of education, 10 additional schools have received water infrastructure and five schools have received sanitation and hygiene facilities. A notable item from the semi-annual report. The goal by midyear was to reach 6,000 children with safer more accessible drinking water at school and the World Vision Zambia team was able to reach 14,295!
Where in Zambia is the Team Working
The following map highlights all of the various areas around the country where World Vision is making an impact on bringing water access and sanitation and hygiene facilities.
We appreciate all the support from the WaterAfrica community and your dedication to see through with the goal of “Finishing the Job”. Please take a look through the full report to see how your donations are being put to work to make a difference in the lives of men, women, and children in Zambia.