Last March the Engel family walked in Walk4Water8, and then in October, Kristen and her 13-year old daughter Grace attended Clean Water For Life. Grace was particularly struck by the fact that girls her age spend half of their day walking to get water. Water that is brown, unclean and often shared by animals!! Kristen said, “It was eye opening for her to imagine not having fresh water, something we so easily take for granted!! Grace and I were incredibly encouraged by the work that World Vision has already done, and we were challenged by the lofty goal of trying to get water to all Zambian villages by 2020!


Grace left the conference inspired and feeling compelled to find a way to help. She and her sisters, Claire(11) and Sara(8), reached out to a few friends and together they began making bracelets to sell in order to give the proceeds for clean water in Zambia.

Making Bracelets

The girls chose to integrate a little elephant charm to serve as a reminder of the purpose of the bracelet. They hope that the wearer will see the elephant on their wrist and remember that they helped provide fresh water to someone in need.

Watching the girls work together, Kristen says, “It has been such a blessing to see the girls’ compassion and concern for vulnerable kids and families in Africa. It is touching to hear their conversations at the table as they make the bracelets. It is also fun to see different strengths come forward as they work together – from those who most enjoyed making the jewelry; to those who really shined at the “Trunk Show” – speaking up, explaining the cause, and selling the bracelets; to those quietly adding up each sale. It is so nice to see how their individual gifts can all work together towards the same goal.”

Trunk Show
One of Kristen’s favorite stories is of the little girl who bought a bracelet off her daughter’s wrist on the school bus: She paid with a plastic baggie filled with $15 worth of coins.

These girls have raised $1,105 through bracelet sales! Our 3:1 match will multiply this money and 66 people will have clean water for life. 

Bracelet_ Fundraiser

Kristen Engel and the girls – presenting bracelet proceeds to WaterAfrica President Gary Mittelsteadt

BraceletsYou can purchase a bracelet at The Grove, in Lake Oswego, Oregon. Phone: 503.635.3023 Each bracelet is $15 and 100% of the money is given to WaterAfrica for clean water in Zambia.The girls hope to continue production and sales and even talk about exploring additional outlets.

WaterAfrica: Raising Awareness, Raising Funds, Transforming Lives

We are grateful to these creative, thoughtful girls and we trust that even as they apply their gifts and energy to provide life-changing clean water for rural Zambians, they will also find their own lives changed in remarkable ways.

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