Walk4Water7 Info

Please join us April 12, 2014 for Walk4Water7. It is a stroller-friendly 2-mile walk beginning and ending at Foothills Park in downtown Lake Oswego, Oregon.

Registration begins at 8:30 and the Walk begins at 9:00am.

Registration: $10 Student/Child | $35 Individual | $70 Family | $250 Family Sponsorship

Register Now



To simulate the experience of villagers in Zambia, we will walk to the water source, fill our buckets with water, and return to the starting point.

Stay after the Walk to enjoy refreshments and the Lewis & Clark Marimba Ensemble.

Sebastian Kunda, WASH Technical Advisor & Program Manager from World Vision Zambia will join us, and water information exhibits will be on display.

We need volunteers to help with tasks like registration and course management. If you can help, please Click Here to send an email of interest to our Volunteer Coordinator.

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