Our World Vision partners in Zambia staged their own Walk4Water right before Walk4Water7 and served us up a huge dose of encouragement. Because they live in a community with good WASH, the kids in their Walk can go to school and don’t walk long distances to fetch water every day! The water from their well is clean!!

This is why WE Walk4Water. 

Charity Chinonge Lake KaribaCharity Chinonge joined us for Walk4Water6 and this year she participated in our “Wear in the World” T-Shirt Campaign. Here she is standing along the shore of Lake Kariba.  She tells us that Lake Kariba was once the primary source of water for people in nearby villages. They would walk long distances every day to gather this water from a lake that is heavily infested with crocodiles. Many of those villagers now have access to nearby borehole wells thanks to World Vision and the fruits of our Walk4Water/

This is why WE Walk4Water.

You can help us reach our W4W7 fundraising goal of $70,000 to bring a lifetime of WASH to rural Zambians by making a donation here:




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